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The Restoration Workshop at the Department of Machine and Industrial Design, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, VSB – Technical University of Ostrava has gained recognition among professionals not only in the Moravian-Silesian Region but also across the Czech Republic.
It is only natural that as the number of restored motorcycles increases and new achievements are made, the reputation of the Restoration Workshop extends beyond national borders. A major milestone was reached in 2023 with the establishment of international connections and the subsequent approval of full membership in FIVA, a federation operating in more than 80 countries worldwide. The Restoration Workshop at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering is the only academic institution in the Czech Republic that meets the federation’s strict criteria for the restoration of historic vehicles (motorcycles). At the same time, in 2023, VSB – Technical University of Ostrava became the first university in the world to hold active FIVA membership.


But what does the acronym FIVA actually stand for, and why was our membership approved?

FIVA (the Fédération Internationale des Véhicules Anciens), known in our country as the International Federation of Historic Vehicles, is a global organization dedicated to the protection, preservation, and promotion of historic vehicles since 1966. Its significance is further highlighted by its status as an advisory partner of UNESCO since 2017, focusing on world motoring heritage and related cultural aspects.
One of the key reasons for granting full membership to the Restoration Workshop as an academic institution is the alignment of its mission with that of FIVA’s Culture and Youth Commission. This commission has set its primary goal as the preservation of historic vehicle culture through the active engagement of younger generations - an objective that perfectly aligns with the mission of the Restoration Workshop.

FIVA Certificate, Year: 2023

FIVA Certificate, Year: 2024

fiva-certificate-2023 fiva-certificate-2024